
Saturday 15 September 2018

What Is SEO Search Engine Optimization & Why It is Important for you

SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Let’s first understand what is SEO 
 SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Now lets see what is Search Engine .Search Engine is a computer program that identifies and  collects a particular content  requested by users from its own database .Search engine already has the content submitted by various sources in its own database which it identifies and recognizes through the keywords a user submit 

How a Search Engine works 

As you can see in above .After a search engine gets a query from an user it sends its program which is also called as crawler or spider or Bot to crawl that is to search recognize the and scan the content that matches with the query from its databases which has been updated on a regular period of time with the information and content extracted from various sources.

Now that you know what is Search Engine Lets see how it works step by step

SEO - Search Engine Optmization 

1.       Keywords
2.       Crawling 
3.       Indexing 
4.       Ranking


How a search engine works 

The query made by the user in the search box is known as Keywords .These keywords helps search engine to identify the content and match with the content which is already present in its database . For example when we type a particular query which can be anything for instance lets ask for latest news and type it on the search engine box  


As the search engine gets the query in the form of keywords it sends its program that is also called as spider, a bot or a crawler which crawls up to the different website looking for the matched content and starts scanning it to present it to the user. This process of identifying the updated information and content form various sources that can be websites or blogs and processing or storing it into its database is called as Crawling  
The search engines has their own spiders which crawl to a particular site following an algorithmic process 
Once the spider/crawler reaches a site it also scans other information which are updated recently and stores it in its database to be used later when a particular query is made which matches that very content.
Search Engine has servers which lets the users to access the content as the user can see the needed information on the pages of the sites.

Ranking is the most important and crucial part in SEO. Having your Business page which can be a website or a blog or a you tube channel seen on the first page of Google is known as ranking. 
The first Page of Google shows 10 results for each query made by user and these results of information popping up on the first page is called Organic Results . 

When a customer types a query in a form of keywords search engines will bring the pages which matches the keywords closely from its database and getting your clients business page show in the fist page of the Google is known as ranking. Ranging in Google helps a business to flourish in many various ways 
Again there are various factors which determines the ranking of  a site on Google first page  which we will learn later but basically in order to rank first in the Google page a search engine should be able to crawl a clients business page and index(storing the information in its database) the site correctly and properly otherwise they will be left untouched by the crawlers resulting in a poor and bad ranking which again is bad for the business and its marketing .

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